Summer school


The upcoming 8. International Summer School will be in July 4th - 12th, 2025.

This year's 7. International Summer School was a successfully, productive and enjoyable time for every participant. Participants were from Indonesia, South Africa, Spain, Slovakia, and Germany.


Participants of the Summer School 2024

Participants at Summer School 2024, Gülpe 2024 – (Photos: I. Scheffler)

Application deadline: 15th. April 2025

The application includes a short curriculum vitae, your publication list, your motivation, and a short description of your data set that is being analysed during the retreat working week.

Please send your application to PD Dr. Christiane Scheffler

The Summer School includes

  1. A get-together on Friday evening,
  2. a “retreat working week” at Gülpe (Saturday morning to Friday evening)
    in the middle of nowhere (
    52.7335°N, 12.2115°E), with both intensive work and cheerful social activity,
  3. Soirée on Friday evening - final presentation,
  4. after breakfast on Saturday, transfer back to Potsdam,
  5. instructions for a relaxed weekend in Potsdam or Berlin.

We expect that

  1. every participant brings her/his own (modern as well as historical) data from her/his home university to be analysed during the Summer School in cooperation with the other participants and teachers
  2. every participant presents the analysis of her/his data at the final seminar (Soirée) on Friday afternoon
  3. every participant prepares a manuscript to be published open access in our peer-reviewed international journal "Human Biology and Public Health" within the next 6 months
  4. every participant should read the book “Auxology– Studying Human Growth and Development” ( before


Special information

Where: Ecological Station of Potsdam University in Gülpe (65 km west of Berlin in the “emptiness”)

When: next summer school July 4th - 12th, 2025

Who: Master-, PhD-Students or PostDocs in Physical Anthropology, Human Biology, Biostatistics or from related subjects.

Participant fee: 680. - €

The fee includes accommodation in a youth hostel from Thursday to Friday at the beginning, accommodation and food during the stay at the Ecological Station of Potsdam University (Friday to Thursday), the transfer from Potsdam to Gülpe, and the fee for open access publication.

If you need help for accommodation before and after the retreat, we will be happy to support you. Please let us know in time.

Conditions for Participants:

You need cheerfulness, your own data set, your own notebook, a linen, a sleeping bag, and if you like swimming in the river Havel, a swimsuit.