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Annual meetings
Last year's Soiree on
was held in Krobielowice, near Wroclaw, Poland, with contributions on
The impact of politics on height: The secular growth trend in Germany from imperialism to democracy.
Weight and BMI distributions in traditional or “non-modern” populations.
Migration, growth, and social belonging – Turkish migrants adjust body height during adolescence to integrate into host communities in Germany.
Height and integration in proximity networks among Hadza women.
Seasonality of births, marriages and deaths in 19th century Zelów.
The role of birth weight and early growth in mediating birth order effects on pubertal growth.
Body height and status among the early medieval Avars.
Reclaiming Health: A Decolonial Lens on the Xavante Historical Well-being.
Comparison of physical fitness parameters between two groups of overweight and obese youth (8-16 years) with contrasting percentage of fat and fat free mass.
Adiposity, muscularity, and nutritional assessment of Turkish migrants in Germany and the Netherlands.
Individualization of training among youth athletes.
The impact of biological age on physical readiness and on-ice motor skills in U13-U15 ice hockey players.
The longitudinal study and a new Body Proportion Chart.
Nutritional status and eating habits in adult women with autism spectrum disorder.
AI in anthropology: case of diagnostics in diabetes type 2.
Upward social mobility and social variation in height: the case of Mongolian students in Ulaanbaatar.
Conference Organizers:
Auxological Society – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auxologie (DGA) e.V.
Aschauhof 3, 24340 Altenhof, Germany, tel. +49 435141738, e-mail: michael.hermanussen@gmail.com
Slawomir Koziel, e-mail: slawomir.koziel@hirszfeld.pl,
Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy Polish Academy of Sciences
Rudolfa Weigla 12, 53-114 Wrocław, Poland, tel. +48 713371172, +48 713709930, e-mail: secretary@hirszfeld.pl
The proceedings of this meeting will appear in the next issue of this journal.