Dissociated development of growth and skeletal robustness, and motor skills of preschool children
motor development, right/left one-legged stance, balancing, standing long jump, running, lateral transferAbstract
Background Lack of physical activity is associated with various health
risks. Yet, instead of indulging their natural urge to move, the majority
of today’s preschool children tends to spend a substantial portion
of the day in sedentary pursuit.
Objective To investigate patterns of motor skills related to age, body
size and strength, or to dexterity and movement coordination.
Sample and Methods Eight anthropometric measurements and seven
motor skill tests were performed in 144 boys and 120 girls aged
2.6 to 4.5 years. Children were measured in Berlin (Germany) in
Results Anthropometric variables and motor skills are multiply interrelated.
Yet, there is an almost complete lack of progress in several
motor skills between the age of 2.6 and 4.5 years. The indicators
of dexterity, such as one-legged stance and backward balancing,
show children of all age groups who performed very poorly. .
Standing long jump and running speed as indicators of gross physical
strength were moderately connected with height (r=0.48 and
r=0.41, p<0.001).
Conclusion Modern German preschool children show poor motor
performance. The general pattern of motor skills that are related to
dexterity and movement coordination and depend on practice and
training, differ from those which depend on physical strength, such
as standing long jump and running. The need for cooperation and
mutual promotion of motor development by parents, physicians,
and teachers, and the opening up of natural spaces to give room to
the physiological urge to move for young children is evident.
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